Color photographs of Hollywood California in the 1950's and 60's.
ABC Vine Street Theater c.1966
Hollywood & Vine c.1952
Grauman's Chinese Theater Court Handprints
The Brown Derby Restaurant
Hollywood Blvd & Orange c.1952
Carolina Pines Jr. Restaurant
Hollywood Boulevard 1960s

1960's Grauman's Chinese Theater World Premier
Seven Seas Supper Club
Ciro's Night Club
Grauman's Chinese Theater c.1959
Chinese Theater Forecourt 1950s
Hollywood Boulevard at night 1960's Brothers Grimm
Hollywood & Vine 1960s - American Airlines

Hollywood & Vine 1950s - Hody's Restaurant
Hollywood Downtowner Motel

Hollywood Boulevard 1960's
World Palladium Theater 1960s

CBS Building & Palladium Theater 1950s

Hollywood and Vine 1960's - Hody's Coffee Shop
Hollywood and Vine 1960's - Hody's Coffee Shop

Hollywood & Vine 1950's - Hody's Coffee Shop
Hollywood Blvd. & Wilcox 1950s
Featuring the Warners Building - now the Pacific Building
Hollywood & Highland 1950s - Coffee Dan's
Vine & Sunset - Hollywood Recreation Center, Bowling
Vine & Sunset 1950s - Radio City, NBC Building
Hollywood and Vine 1950's
Sunset Blvd & Ivar 1960s - Cinerama Theater
Hollywood Blvd. 1950s
Toffs Coffee Shop, First Federal, Barker Bros.
Hollywood Blvd 1950s - Roosevelt Hotel, Cinegrill
Saharan Motel - Sunset & Alta Vista 1950s
Capitol Records Building 1950s
Sunset Blvd & N. Clark Street 1960s
Mother of Good Counsel Church

Sunset & Vine 1950s - Wallick's Music City
Sunset & Vine 1950s
Sunset & Vine 1960s - Self Service Records
Vine Street 1960s - Dupar's Restaurant, Broadway Hotel