Sunday, August 24, 2008

Creepy, Weird Old Painting

Saint Wolfgang and the Devil by Michael Pacher (1471-1475)


  1. Saint Wolfgang and the Devil by Michael Pacher
    It's one of the outer panels on the altar in the church in St. Wolfgang, Austria.
    The painting is a depiction of the time Wolfgang of Regensburg forced the devil to help him build him a church.
    Had to google around a bit for that.

    Do you ever look around the monsterbrains blog. I think you'd like a lot of things they post there.

  2. Does that gremlin thing have a face on it's ass? But that's really crazy.

  3. i used to oogle over this in an
    book about everything 'horror'. Especially the ass-face still intrigues me to this very day

  4. Rogelio thanks again!

    I had never heard of that monsterbrains blog. I checked it out and you were totally right, they have a TON of crazy old art that I hadn't seen before!!! Thanks for the link :D
