Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fisher Cat


  1. It looks like a type of Weasel probably a American Marten.

  2. Sweet man! I think that may be exactly what it is (just google imaged it!). Lol I showed this picture to like 10 people at work and none of us could figure it out =)

  3. Sherri12:58 PM

    It's difficult to see if it has a long tail - if it does, it may possibly be a coati mundi. They're everywhere in the American Southwest, but I don't know if that's where you're located.

  4. Anonymous8:01 AM

    It's a Fisher Cat. Kind of a nasty little guy. If you have a house cat, he will kill and eat it.

  5. Hey yeah, I think you're right. Thanks anonymous!

  6. This animal looks like my mother in law. I would shoot it.

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    It's not a weasel, a marten or a coati mundi (I'm guessing the person is calling a ringtail cat a coati mundi...there are no coati mundis in the US. I've never seen one but I'm thinking it's a fisher cat too.
