Sunday, March 08, 2009

Jim Smith Drawings

Original Ren & Stimpy drawings done by Jim Smith.


  1. YESSSS! awesome drawings, especially the color one

  2. He put a tremendous energy in Ren and Stimpy that brought to excellence.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    for someone who hates john K, you sure collect a lot of stuff from his shows.

  4. john's shitty personality doesn't make the cool things he's created in the past any less cool.

    and if he were to make a new, awesome, hilarious cartoon (which is highly unlikely) i would still watch it and appreciate it. you gotta separate the artist from the art dude.

    mel gibson is another good example. he has racist opinions but it doesn't make braveheart or apocalypto any less rad.

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    hi ryan i know that this is not the theme, but i want to ask you about oscar you know others artist with a similar style like him?
    i found frazzetta and other more actual like tracy mark lee...but i love the bazaldua style..please help me!

  6. hi jose. i don't really know any others, sorry man :{

  7. Jim is by far one of the best animation artists in the past 30 years. Everything he draws is amazing.

  8. Man, I wanted to buy that last one!
