Monday, September 15, 2008

Relatos De Presidio

For more Mexican adult comic book covers, visit The Historietas Perversas Blog!

Also See: Oscar Bazaldua / Historietas Perversas!


  1. these are friggen awesome! great find.

  2. I'm so glad someone commented on these finally. I think they're really crazy and awesome :)

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Dude I love these. Please post more of you have any!

  4. Anonymous10:21 AM

    It's like Quentiin Terentino style porn. lol

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hey Ryan if you liked those you really should see this guy's work. This is proababy the most insane artist alive.

  6. This stuff give Rockin' Jelly Bean a run for his money!

  7. Man they're intense! I'd feel sick painting them. If I could paint them that is, they're pretty damn cool!
    I was thinking Rockin' Jelly Bean too, but I guess these were done before him and I reckon he would have had to have been inspired by them too.

  8. how can i download this comics books??

  9. Dude I love these. Please post more of you have any!

  10. Oh, yeah, I love these. Always have.

    The artist form ost is Oscar Bazaldua. He's a genius.

  11. Actually they may be fairly recent. I own #741, which was from 2009. Remember that in Mexico the comics code never existed. The one I have has warnings next to some of the panels like "Remember that whoever takes the life of a human being will pay before justice," right as the gangsters a feeding a dude to a giant anaconda who crunches his bones. Classic. It makes me wonder if there's a law requiring Mexican comics to give a warning when the characters are breaking the law.
